On uniform convergence of semi-analytic solution of Dirichlet problem for dissipative Helmholtz equation in vicinity of boundary of two-dimensional domain
quadrature formula, double layer potential, Dirichlet problem, Helmholtz equation, boundary integral equation, almost singular integral, boundary layer phenomenon, uniform convergence.Abstract
In the framework of the collocation boundary element method, we propose a semi-analytic approximation of the double-layer potential, which ensures a uniform cubic convergence of the approximate solution to the Dirichlet problem for the Helmholtz equation in a two-dimensional bounded domain or its exterior with a boundary of class $C^5$. In order to calculate integrals on boundary elements, an exact integration over the variable $\rho:=(r^2-d^2)^{1/2}$ is used, where $r$ and $d$ are the distances from the observed point to integration point and to the boundary of the domain, respectively. Under some simplifications we prove that the use of a number of traditional quadrature formulas leads to a violation of the uniform convergence of potential approximations in the vicinity of the boundary of the domain. The theoretical conclusions are confirmed by a numerical solving of the problem in a circular domain.Downloads