Categorical criterion for existence of universal $C^*$--algebras


  • R.N. Gumerov
    Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
  • E.V. Lipacheva
    Kazan State Power Engineering University
    Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
  • K.A. Shishkin
    Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Ключевые слова:

compact $C^*$--relation, complete category, universal $C^*$--algebra


We deal with categories, which determine universal $C^*$--algebras. These categories are called the compact $C^*$--relations. They were introduced by T.A.~Loring. Given a set $X,$ a compact $C^*$--relation on $X$ is a category, the objects of which are functions from $X$ to $C^*$--algebras, and morphisms are $\ast$--homomorphisms of $C^*$--algebras making the appropriate triangle diagrams commute. Moreover, these functions and $\ast$--homo\-mor\-phisms satisfy certain axioms. In this article, we prove that every compact $C^*$--relation is both complete and cocomplete. As an appli\-cation of the completeness of compact $C^*$--relations, we obtain the criterion for the existence of universal $C^*$--algebras.


